![]() For the past week I have been chasing a lizard that has gotten into my house. It looked pretty fat and healthy when I first saw it. It was so fast that I was unable to capture it. My intentions are good, I just want to throw it outside so that it can be someplace where it can eat and flourish. My home is not the right setting for that. Now a week later it is still too fast for me, but it appears to be slowing down, and worse yet it doesn’t look as fat and healthy. Unfortunately if I don’t catch it soon and return it to the outdoors it will just die a quiet death behind a piece of furniture. This morning as I sat down from another failed attempt at lizard catching it occurred to me how like the lizard I am at times.
My poor lizard doesn’t have this, otherwise it would have remembered the open door that it came through to enter the house. This door stands open several hours a day to let the dog in and out. It only feels fear of my approach but cannot save itself. When I start to feel like this lizard, that I can’t find my way out of something, that I can’t make something come out right, and the panic starts to rise in me, then I am operating in my lizard brain. That is when I know that I have to tap into the higher executive functioning of my brain, the brain that God so lovingly crafted for me and let Him direct my steps and capture my heart and mind so that the solutions can become evident. I love Paul’s words in 1 Ephesians 1:17-19a: I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. God is committed to giving us knowledge and wisdom to overcome if we will only stop running from him and operating like my lizard. I hope to get him out before it is too late. My prayer is that anyone who is stuck will allow the God who loves them to do the same. Want to speak to me directly about places where you are finding yourself stuck? Contact me through this link https://page.co/v3kR You can receive a 15 minute consultation for FREE. That may be the first step towards a longer journey to your freedom.
![]() The dreaded holidays are upon us. The stress and discomfort of having to interact with so many people and smile when you don’t feel like smiling is a constant worry. The financial expectations and obligations that you feel compelled to fulfill are looming. If this is the gloomy view of the holidays that you entertain, you may be experiencing a form of depression that is very prevalent during this time of the year. It is not necessarily a clinical depression that needs to be treated with medication or therapy, but it should be addressed in a healthy manner. The key here is to identify these emotions as temporary, only associated with the holidays. If they persist past the holidays then we may be looking at clinical depression. But assuming that these feelings manifest themselves only around this time of the year, here are 3 tips to get you through.
Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas as Christ’s birthday, use this season as a time where you can reconnect to others in a healthy way. At the end of the day, a season that is supposed to focus you on “Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men” should not leave you feeling less peaceful and more at odds with your fellow men. Forge some real relationships and work on valuing yourself enough to be able to see the value and worth of others. Christmas from a spiritual point of view is really about the fact that God thought us worth the pain of coming to earth and giving up his life for us. That is how much you are Loved. This season, bask in that love!!! When we think of leadership we usually think of the person up front. That person who leads is usually an expert, the brightest, fastest, strongest or most charismatic. Because of this they are destined for leadership, right? Well what about the rest of the world. Can those who are not the brightest, or most charismatic, can they still be leaders?
We should all strive to be the best at whatever we engage in and do so with confidence, but we should also know that there are other attributes to leadership. On your way to being the best, all the positions along the way can offer you can opportunities to display leadership. You can lead from where you are. If you are not positioned up front, or in the corner office, your contribution and influence still matters. Seeing influence and contributions as key attributes to leadership is as important as positioning. If you change your thinking about leadership your position may follow. Remember Jesus was a servant leader, he lead by serving others. Do you know this person? They are the friend or colleague who is always pursuing a new business or asking you to support them in a new venture. Over the years I have been approached by many talented, excited, wonderful people who have big dreams and plans for a new business that they believe will improve their life and mine. It may be for a new product, and new way of life, new diet, exercise machine, candles, oil, vacuum cleaner, make-up, a phone system… the list goes on. Regardless of who it is, or what has excited them, they have wanted me to support them with either a purchase or becoming someone to will also preach the gospel of how great the product, service or lifestyle is.
If you know someone like that, then perhaps your reaction was similar to mine. You love them and want them to succeed, so the first two or three things they bring to you you try to support. I have hosted many “parties” in my home trying to support people who are trying to get their business off the ground and bought many products for the same reason. I am still happy with my vacuum, but would not pay that price again for another one. Or you become convinced that if you join them you too can have added income and improve your life situation, this kind of support I have successfully resisted. The thing however that is troubling is when you see your friend or colleague either lose their passion for the new venture, and cease promoting it, or just switch to another business or venture with a similar passion. Why didn’t the first venture work out? Why are they not now fulfilling that dream they told you about and you supported them in? I am a fan of dreaming big. There is nothing wrong with a big dream. The challenge is to move that dream into a goal. The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. Many people will enter business ventures looking to improve their lives but they don’t have a plan that is their plan. Along with the business venture they may be trained in the creator of the venture’s plan, i.e. how to sell and market the product for friends and families; however they never developed their own plan that is specific to their circumstances and vision. Therefore when the plan given to them doesn’t produce the results the venture’s creator promised they become frustrated and abandon it to start looking for another way to approach their dream be it of greater wealth, better health, or improved skills. This is where a life coach can become a valuable asset. A life coach, similar to a fitness coach will work with you to customize a plan to achieve your dreams. They will help you move it from a dream to a goal, a SMARTER goal; Specific, Measurable, Action driven, Realistic, Time bound, Educated, and Responsible. By holding you responsible they are able to give you guidance and redirection, helping you to stay on track with this goal. Unfortunately many people believe that throwing money at a dream is the way to achieve it. Others believe that it takes talent to achieve a dream. I teach that while money and talent are great what it really takes is committed time and effort. Regardless of what the dream, without committed time and effort, money gets wasted, talent gets unnoticed. So the next time you or someone you know has a big dream and wants to share it, encourage them to explain it within the framework of a SMARTER goal. You can still be excited for them, but remember there is no substitute for a commitment of time and sustained effort. Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success. Proverbs 15:22 |
March 2019
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